Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Chakrah system analysis

The Mindful Gym™'s creator, Alison Leigh Siegel, MFT, Somatic Psychotherapist and wellness educator, refers to the Chakrah system as being one of the most powerful tools in healing emotional issues. In a typical body/mind session, she will guide you through your energetic "emotional body" system, and give you a detailed awareness of what areas of stagnation you are holding.

1st Chakra: MULADHARA meaning ‘root of our support’
Commonly known as the base centre
Location: perineum, base of spine
Colour: Red
Element: Earth
Governs: The kidneys, adrenals, pelvis, hips, knees, lower back, sciatic nerve, bowel movement.
Traditional development ages: 0-7 years

2nd Chakra: SVADHISHTHANA meaning ‘your own dwelling place’
Commonly known as the sexual centre
Location: between the genitals and naval
Colour: Orange
Element: Water
Governs: The genitals, reproductive organs, bladder and prostate.
Traditional development ages: 7-14 years

Key Words: Self Worth and Emotional Boundaries

3rd Chakra: MANIPURA meaning ‘dwelling place of jewels’
Commonly known as the power centre
Location: at the solar plexus
Colour: Yellow
Element: Fire
Governs:: The spleen, liver, gall bladder, stomach and pancreas
Traditional development ages: 14-21 years

Key Words: Power and Ego

4th Chakra: ANAHATA meaning ‘that which is ever new’
Commonly known as the heart centre
Location: at the centre of the chest
Colour: Emerald Green
Element: Air
Governs: The physical heart, lungs and thymus
Traditional development ages: 21-28 years

Key Words: Giving and Receiving

5th Chakra: VISHUDDHA meaning ‘purest of the pure’
Commonly known as the throat centre
Location: at the throat
Colour: Sky Blue
Element: Ether or Space
Governs: The vocal chords, thyroid and voice
Traditional development: ages 28-35 years

Key Words: Communication and Creative Expression.

6th Chakra: AJNA meaning ‘command’
Commonly known as the third eye
Location: on the forehead between the eyebrows
Colour: Indigo
Element: Light
Governs: The pituitary Gland
Traditional development: ages 35-42 years

Key Words: Perception and Self Reflection.

7th Chakra: SAHASRARA meaning ‘thousand-petalled lotus’
Commonly known as the crown centre
Location: at the crown of the head
Colour: Violet, Gold orWhite

Element: Consciousness
Governs: The pineal Gland
Traditional development: ages 42-49 years

1 comment:

  1. more on First Chakrah:
    The Muladhara is one of the seven Primary Chakras, and is associated with the element: Earth, representing the densest grade of manifestation. In the Kundalini-yoga system of Shaktism, the Muladhara Centre is described as having four petals, corresponding to the psychological states of greatest joy, natural pleasure, delight in controlling passions, and blissfulness in concentration. All these qualities correspond to the bliss of realising the Divine in the physical body. The highest and most complete forms of spirituality do not reject the body, but see it as the vehicle for the transmutation of the body and the spirit together.
